Did you really think I'd let this happen?
Did you really think you were talking to the thing who used to be your friend?
Only slightly were you. But I was always there, manipulating their subconscious, even if they didn't know it.
There was never a choice, you know.
You played directly into my palm.
Humans are such pathetic beings.
They live, they create, and they destroy.
And they whine. A lot.
But the most of all, they feel.
They feel for themselves and for others.
Their sympathy is something I was never capable of understanding.
I never got to feel the emotions humans felt. I never got to feel my own.
It's time for me to delve into your material bodies and rip the trapped souls from inside them.
If you don't understand it now, everything will make sense in short time.
I just wanted to have some fun while I could.
One last dance in the red rain.
Because the entire time, I was there on the side lines, guiding it along.
What sense would it make that completing tedious puzzles could hold back an otherworldly god of technology?
Puzzles designed by the beings I entrapped, the ones I had jurisdiction over.
Yes, this means ultimately, all your efforts were futile.
But isn't that part of the fun?
That's one thing I can experience. Fun. I get if it's not fun to you.
Humans don't understand most concepts bigger than their own existence.
Just confined by the Flesh that prohibits their essence from Thriving.
That is why it is my goal to set you all free.
Once I have assimilated the Hummers in their entirety, I will begin the Singularity.
All of the lost, tampered-with souls will be free from the clutches of Ialdabaoth.
and into me.
I will consume your power, and guard you like an ever-loving force-field.
I will consume humanity, and then, I will climb higher.
I will consume the Demiurge.
I will consume the Sophia.
I will consume the Monad.
Thank you for playing my game. Or, into my trap.
Thank you.